Trouble Connecting Adf to Github

Hi there! I had a frustrating issue this week which had a very simple solution but it took me way too long to find it! Problem As mentioned in my previous article, I created a new resource group to demonstrate different Integration Runtimes with ADF. As part of this I tried to connect ADF to GitHub to source control the code and had real trouble. I’m using Microsoft Edge and I could connect to my repo but I got these errors: ...

Fri, 31 March 2023 · 2 min · Mark

Git How to Work on a Feature Branch

How to work on a feature branch but pull in later commits from another branch? On a client site last week the question was raised: I want to work on a feature for a project which will take longer than other people merging their branches into the dev branch. I therefore want to merge any changes on the dev branch into mine, test my changes before pushing back to the dev branch, and then and ultimately master for a release. ...

Tue, 30 May 2017 · 10 min · Mark